How we charge Investment Plans Investment plans tailored to suit everybody irrespective of their income and financial background STARTER PLAN recommended 2% / Daily Profit Minimum : 200 USD Maximum : 2,999 USD 2% daily profit return Investment period: 7 Days Plan Bonus: 20 USD PREMIUM PLAN recommended 5% / Daily Pofit Minimum : 3,000 USD Maximum : 9,999 USD 5% daily profit return investment period: 7 Days Plan Bonus: 50 USD PLATINUM PLAN recommended 20% / Daily Profit Minimum : 10,000 USD Maximum : 19,000 USD 20% daily profit return Investment period: 3 Days Plan Bonus: 200 USD Affiliate Programs Referral Levels Level 1: 10% Level 2: 10% Level 3: 10% Get your profit directly to your e-wallet